A Message from PADS Homeless Shelter

Dear Friends of Pads,

It seems like just yesterday my time began here at the PADS shelter, 12 years ago I started, and we have come a long way and helped hundreds of people. I wish I could say that this is my accomplishment, but it’s not just my accomplishment but all of you as well! I have noticed that among our churches, businesses, and individuals around 300 people regularly support the shelter.

Normally we reach out only during the holidays, which is a very important time for us because a quarter of our funding comes in at that time. This last year in the aftermath of COVID-19 we have seen a huge change and in our last 3 months of the shelter year to go we have already seen more people than any year prior. The shelter used to shut down in the summer because we didn’t have the demand to stay open. This last month we have averaged 15 people a night which is more than any night during the entire winter season.

Because of the changes in demand the shelter has made some changes with the addition of a full time Client Advocate to help with our residents. We still need help with COVID-19 not the issue it once was. We hope all our church will consider coming back to help at the shelter. We no longer need help for the whole night, just help with 6-11 shift and nightly meals. The increase in homelessness has also put a strain on our resources such as paper towels, toiler paper, laundry detergent, tea, sugar, personal items, and funds.

Any help would be greatly appreciated to help with the growing number of homeless individuals in our area. You can donate items directly to the shelter, send a donation in the mail, or donate online at twincitiespads.org/donate-to-homeless-shelter.html To sign up to help, you can call the shelter, or go to signup.com/go/hxKPAqq. The shelter continues to be humbled and grateful for all your support.

Sincerely, Myles Newberry | Administrative Director

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