HELP NEEDED! With the end of the year quickly approaching, new schedules for duties throughout the church will be formulated and mailed. Two such areas where our volunteer base has dwindled are in the weekly offering counting process and setting the table for communion by the Altar Guild volunteers. Offering counters are typically scheduled for one Monday or Tuesday per month and the task usually takes less than an hour. Communion set-up or clean-up is typically scheduled for a month of Sundays and requires less than an hour each week. With fewer volunteers, most people serve both a clean-up and a setup month during the year. With more volunteers, we could decrease the number of times needed for each person to serve. Please contact Dave Geil (499-0437) or Denise Norman (631-9506) if you are willing to join the offering counters. Contact Denise if you would like to join the Altar Guild. It takes all of us to serve within St. John’s. Please consider one or both of these ministry opportunities.