Dells Quake Speaker & Musicians
The speaker at this year’s Dells Quake will be Wes Halula with music being provided by 100 White Flags. Learn more about both our speaker and musicians here.
The speaker at this year’s Dells Quake will be Wes Halula with music being provided by 100 White Flags. Learn more about both our speaker and musicians here.
Some important dates for grades 6-12:
-February 14-16: Wisconsin Dells Youth Quake Retreat
-February 26 @ 7pm: Community Accompaniment Night (Buddy Bags Packing @ Wesley Methodist)
-April 13: Palm Sunday Breakfast
-April 30 @ 7pm: Community Accompaniment Night (Buddy Bags Packing @ Wesley Methodist)
Our January Noisy Offerings will go to the YWCA Domestic Violence Program and Sexual Assault Program. Donations help support the 24-hour Hotline: The crisis line is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Phones are answered by trained professionals. YWCA can help callers access emergency services including safe shelter, medical care, obtaining Orders of Protection and much more. 815.626.7277 or 815.288.1011.
January 5: No class
January 12: Lesson-The Great Commission
January 19: Lesson-Doubting Thomas
January 26: Music & Popcorn
We host Sunday School classes for all ages from mid-September to mid-May annually. Check the Calendar for exact dates and times of classes.
7th-9th grade students, staff and parent leaders gather each Wednesday evening from September through May with their peers from St. Paul Lutheran Church, Sterling, and Immanuel Lutheran Church, Rock Falls, using the “Co-laborate” Confirmation curriculum. This two-and-a-half-year program involves parent participation, learning, service to others, and safe, fun events led by caring adults.
Our junior high and high school students meet regularly throughout the year for classes, service events, fun events and trips. Events are updated and advertised on the Calendar, and on our Branches Youth & Family Ministries Facebook page.
Each summer St. John’s participates in the Sterling-Rock Falls CommUNITY VBS (a collaboration of local congregations providing VBS as a free 1-week event for families in our communities with Pre-K age 4 through fifth grade). Location moves to a new church location each year. VBS Meets in the evening, Sunday through Thursday, with a free dinner each night.